Tomato Celery Juice Recipe

Juicer recipe: tomato celery juice benefits:-
Celery has rich Vitamin A , B1, B2, B6 and C. Tomato is a good blood purifier. Besides, this juicer recipe also helps to detox and improve the functions of liver.

Ingredients for Tomato celery juice:-

  • One red tomato
  • 100g celery
  • 1 big tea spoon of lemon juice

Serving Size: 1 cup

tomatoes celery

Preparation steps:-

  • Cut the tomato and celery into smaller pieces and put into juicer
  • Pour 1 cup of cold water into the juicer and start the blending until it’s evenly mixed
  • Once it’s done, add 1 big tea spoon of lemon juice and it’s ready for serving.

* Pictures taken from,

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